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sábado, 22 de mayo de 2010


Link al pack de novelas de Christopher Priest en formatos FB2 y DOC:

Christopher Priest nació en Cheshire en 1943, y es uno de los más aclamados escritores ingleses de la actualidad. En 1970 publicó su primer libro, Indoctrinario, al que siguieron Fuga para una isla (1972), Un mundo invertido (1974, premio British SF), La máquina del espacio (1976), A Dream of Wessex (1977), Un verano infinito (1979) y La afirmación (1980). Esta última novela fue nominada para el Booker Prize como mejor libro del año. El glamour (1988) obtuvo el premio Kurd Lassawitz, El prestigio fue galardonado con el premio James Tait Black Memorial en 1995; en 1999 le concedieron el premio British SF por The Extremes, y en 2001 el premio Utopía por su trayectoria literaria. Su última novela, The Separation (de próxima aparición en Minotauro) ha obtenido el premio British SF 2003. Considerado un auténtico literato de las ideas, Priest ha sido comparado con de H. G. Wells, Thomas Ardi, A. E. Coppard y Walter de la Mare.


* Indoctrinaire, (n.) Faber and Faber, London, 1970
* Fugue for a Darkening Island, (n.) Faber and Faber, London, 1972 -- Campbell nominee, 1973[4]
* The Inverted World, (n.) Faber and Faber, London, 1974 -- BSFA winner, 1974[1], Hugo Award nominee, 1975[5]
* Real-time World, (s.s.) Faber and Faber 1975 - reissued 2009
* The Space Machine, (n.) Faber and Faber, London, 1976
* A Dream of Wessex (US title The Perfect Lover), (n.) Faber and Faber, London, 1977
* An Infinite Summer, (s.s.) Faber and Faber 1979 (stories reissued as "The Dream Archipelago")
* The Affirmation, (n.) Faber and Faber, London, 1981 -- BSFA nominee, 1981[6]
* The Glamour, (n.) Jonathan Cape, London, 1984 -- BSFA nominee, 1984[7]
* Short Circuit, (n.) Sphere Books, 1986 (Film tie-in novelisation as Colin Wedgelock)
* Mona Lisa, (n.) Sphere Books, 1986 (Film tie-in novelisation as John Luther Novak)
* The Quiet Woman, (n.) Bloomsbury, London, 1990
* The Prestige, (n.) Touchstone, Simon and Schuster, London, 1995 -- BSFA nominee, 1995[8]; WFA, Clarke Awards nominee, 1996[4]
* The Extremes, (n.) Simon and Schuster, London, 1998 -- BSFA winner, 1998[2]; Clarke Award nominee, 1999[9]
* eXistenZ, (n.) Harper, 1999
* The Separation, (n) Scribner, 2002; Old Earth Books 2005 -- BSFA winner, 2002[3]; Clark Award winner, Campbell Award nominee, 2003[10]
* Ersatz Wines (s.s.) 2008 (anthology of early works)

Short stories and other works

* "The Run", (ss) SF Impulse, May 1966 [Volume 1 Number 3]
* "Conjugation", (ss) New Worlds, #169 December 1966
* "The Ersatz Wine", (ss) New Worlds, #171 March 1967
* "The Match", (ss) Tit-Bits, 11 November 1967
* "Occupation Force", (ss) Tit-Bits, 25 November 1967
* "The Haul" [with Dick Howett], (ss) Tit-Bits, 31 August 1968
* "The Interrogator", (nv) New Writings in SF 15, editor John Carnell, London: Dobson, 1969
* "The Perihelion Man", (nv) New Writings in SF 16, editor John Carnell, London: Dobson, 1969
* "Breeding Ground", (ss) Vision of Tomorrow, January 1970
* "Double Consummation", (ss) The Disappearing Future, editor George Hay, Panther, 1970
* "Fire Storm", (ss) Quark/#1, editor Samuel R. Delany & Marilyn Hacker, Paperback Library, 1970
* "Nothing Like the Sun", (ss) Vision of Tomorrow #10, July 1970
* "Real-Time World", (nv) New Writings in SF 19, editor John Carnel, London: Dobson, 1971
* "Sentence in Binary Code", (ss) Fantastic, August 1971
* "The Head and the Hand", (ss) New Worlds Quarterly 3, editor Michael Moorcock, London: Sphere, 1972
* "The Inverted World", (nv) New Writings in SF 22, editor Kenneth Bulmer, London: Sidgwick & Jackson, 1973
* "Transplant", (ss) Worlds of If, January/February 1974
* "A Woman Naked", (ss) Science Fiction Monthly, v1 #1 1974
* "The Invisible Men", (ss) Stopwatch, editor George Hay, New English Library, 1974
* Your Book of Film-Making, (n.f.) Faber and Faber, London 1974
* "Men of Good Value", (ss) New Writings in SF 26, editor Kenneth Bulmer, London: Sidgwick & Jackson, 1975
* "The Cremation", (nv) Andromeda 3, editor Peter Weston, London: Futura, 1978
* "The Negation", (nv) Anticipations, editor Christopher Priest, Scribner's, 1978
* "The Watched", (na) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, April 1978
* "Whores", (ss) New Dimensions 8, editor Robert Silverberg, Harper & Row, 1978
* "Palely Loitering", (nv) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction, January 1979
* "The Agent" (with David Redd), (nv) Aries 1, editor John Grant, David & Charles, 1979
* The Making of the Lesbian Horse (n.f.), Novacon 9 (for the Birmingham Science Fiction Group), 1979
* "The Miraculous Cairn", (nv) New Terrors #2, editor Ramsey Campbell, London: Pan, 1980
* "The Ament", (nv) Seven Deadly Sins: A Collection of New Fiction, editor anon., Severn House, London 1985
* The Book on the Edge of Forever, (n.f.) Fantagraphics, Seattle, June 1993
* "In a Flash" (from The Prestige), (ex) Interzone, #99 September 1995
* "Impasse", (sss) SF Impulse, #12, February 1997
* "I, Haruspex", (ss) The Third Alternative, #16 1998
* "The Equatorial Moment", (ss) The Dream Archipelago, Earthlight, 1999
* "The Cage of Chrome", (sss) Interzone, #156 June 2000
* "The Discharge", (ss) Website 13 February 2002
* "A Dying Fall", (ss) Asimov’s Science Fiction December 2006 [Volume 20 Number 12]
* "The Trace of Him", (ss) Interzone February 2008 [Issue 214]
* The Magic - the story of a film, (n.f.) GrimGrin Studio, Hastings, 2008

CORDWAYNER SMITH - Señor de la Instrumentalidad

Link al pack de obras de Cordwayner Smith en formatos FB2 y DOC:

* 1947, Ria (publicado como "Felix C. Forrest")
* 1948, Carola (publicado como "Felix C. Forrest")
* 1949, Atomsk: A Novel of Suspense (publicado como "Carmichael Smith")
* 1963, You Will Never Be The Same (colección de cuentos cortos)
* 1964, The Planet Buyer (primera mitad de Norstrilia)
* 1965, Space Lords (cuentos de ciencia ficción)
* 1966, Quest of the Three Worlds (four related sf novellas)
* 1968, The Underpeople (segunda mitad de Norstrilia)
* 1970, Under Old Earth and Other Explorations (cuentos)
* 1971, Stardreamer (cuentos)
* 1975, Norstrilia (first complete publication)
* 1975, The Best of Cordwainer Smith (cuentos)
* 1979, Los Señores de la Instrumentalidad The Instrumentality of Mankind (short sf stories)
* 1993, The Rediscovery of Man (definitive & complete compilation of short science fiction writings)
* 1994, Norstrilia (edición corregida)


Novelas de la serie Terramar:

* Un mago de Terramar, 1968
* Las tumbas de Atuan, 1971
* La costa más lejana, 1972 (ganadora del Nacional Book Award)
* Tehanu, 1990 (ganadora del premio Nébula)
* En el otro viento, 2001

Estas novelas fueron recopiladas en varias ediciones bajo el nombre de Historias de Terramar.
Historias cortas de la serie Terramar:

* Las doce moradas del viento, 2001
* Cuentos de Terramar (ganadora del premio Endeavour)

Novelas del ciclo Ekumen :

* El mundo de Rocannon, 1966
* Planeta de exilio, 1966
* La ciudad de las ilusiones, 1967
* La mano izquierda de la oscuridad, 1969 (ganadora de los premios Hugo y Nébula)
* El nombre del mundo es Bosque, 1972
* Los desposeídos: una utopía ambigua, 1974

Historias cortas del ciclo Ekumen :

* Traiciones, 1994
* El Día del Perdón, 1994
* Un hombre del pueblo, 1995
* La liberación de una mujer, 1995

Estas cuatro historias fueron agrupadas y publicadas bajo el título de Cuatro caminos hacia el perdón (1995).


Link al pack de John Crowley en formatos FB2 y DOC (en Castellano):


* The Deep, Doubleday (1975)
* Beasts, Doubleday (1976)
* Engine Summer, Doubleday (1979) -- BSFA and John W. Campbell Memorial Awards nominee, 1980[3]
* Little, Big, Bantam (1981) -- Nebula nominee, 1981[4]; WFA winner, 1982[2]; BSFA, Hugo, and Locus Awards nominee, 1982[2]
* Ægypt (first novel in the Ægypt tetralogy), Bantam (1987); revised and republished 2007 under intended original title, The Solitudes -- WFA and Clarke Awards nominee, 1988[5]
* Love & Sleep (second novel in the Ægypt tetralogy), Bantam (1994) -- WFA nominee, 1995[6]
* Dæmonomania (third novel in the Ægypt tetralogy), Bantam (2000)
* The Translator, William Morrow (2002)
* Lord Byron's Novel: The Evening Land, William Morrow (2005)
* Endless Things (fourth and final novel in the Ægypt tetralogy), Small Beer Press (2007) -- Locus Award nominee, 2008[7]
* Four Freedoms, William Morrow (2009)

Short fiction:

* "Antiquities" (1977)
* "Where Spirits Gat Them Home" (1978, later revised as "Her Bounty to the Dead")
* "The Single Excursion of Caspar Last" (1979, later incorporated into "Great Work of Time")
* "The Reason for the Visit" (1980)
* "The Green Child" (1981)
* "Novelty" (1983)
* "Snow" (1985)
* "The Nightingale Sings at Night" (1989)
* "Great Work of Time" (novella, originally published in Novelty, 1989), Bantam (1991)
* "In Blue" (1989)
* "Missolonghi 1824" (1990)
* "Exogamy" (1993)
* "Gone" (1996)
* "Lost and Abandoned" (1997)
* "An Earthly Mother Sits and Sings" (2000, published as an original chapbook by DreamHaven, illustrated by Charles Vess)
* "The War Between the Objects and the Subjects" (2002)
* "The Girlhood of Shakespeare's Heroines" (novella, 2002; published as a chapbook by Subterranean Press, 2005)
* "Little Yeses, Little Nos" (2005)
* "Conversation Hearts" (2008; published as a chapbook by Subterranean Press)


* Novelty Bantam (1989); collects "The Nightingale Sings At Night", "Great Work of Time", "In Blue" and the previously published "Novelty".
* Antiquities: Seven Stories, Incunabula (1993); includes all of his stories to that point which were not included in Novelty
* Novelties and Souvenirs: Collected Short Fiction, Perennial (2004); collects all of his short fiction up to that point, including "Great Work of Time", except "The Girlhood of Shakespeare's Heroines".


* Beasts/Engine Summer/Little Big, QPBC (1991)
* Three Novels (1994; later published as Otherwise: Three Novels by John Crowley. It includes The Deep, Beasts, Engine Summer).


* The World of Tomorrow (1984)
* Fit: Episodes in the History of the Body (1990, with Laurie Block)


* In Other Words, Subterranean Press (2007)

Audio books:

* Ægypt, Blackstone Audiobooks (2007; unabridged reading of The Solitudes by the author.)

Critical work concerning:

* Snake's-Hands: The Fiction of John Crowley, edited by Alice K. Turner and Michael Andre-Driussi, Cosmos (Canton, OH), 2003.


Link al Pack de Aldiss:


* La nave estelar (1958) Non-Stop
* Invernáculo (1962) Hothouse
* Cuando la Tierra esté muerta (1963) Starwarm
* Barbagrís (1964) Greybeard
* Los oscuros años luz (1964) The Dark Light Years
* Criptozóico (1967) An Age o Cryptozoic
* Informe Sobre Probabilidad A (1968) Report on Probability A
* A cabeza descalza (1969) Barefoot in the Head
* El Momento del Eclipse (1971) The Moment of Eclipse
* Frankenstein desencadenado (1973) Frankenstein Unbound
* The 80 minute Hour (1974)
* El tapiz de Malacia (1976) The Malacia Tapestry
* La otra isla del Doctor Moreau (1980) Moreau's Other Island
* Heliconia primavera (1982)
* Verano de Heliconia (1983)
* Heliconia Invierno (1985)
* Drácula Desencadenado (1991) Dracula Unbound


* Espacio y tiempo (1957) Space, Time and Nathaniel
* Galaxias como granos de arena (1960) Galaxies like Grains of Sand
* El árbol de la saliva (1966) The Saliva Tree and other strange growths
* El momento del eclipse (1971) The Moment of Eclipse
* Los superjuguetes duran todo el verano (1969) Supertoys Last All Summer Long